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박희섭 Park Heesob
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About 우리말찾기

Find Korean is where you can find out more Heading 547,690 in the dictionary as a word search, wildcard search, search consonants, various methods such as a neutral search application. You can take advantage of such Shiritori, crossword puzzles, Korean compete, improve your vocabulary, lyricist, sisseugi.

The wildcard character (%, _) Search Support
1. Use%
  If you use the% can be detected regardless of the number of characters.
2. Use _
  _ You can find the word you want to use instead of letters.
3. blanks are automatically excluded
  Search for the word, except in the blanks between the characters.
1) Word Search
   All words starting Ha: Ha%
   All words ending Haro% and
   All it included with the words:% to%
   Two-letter word that starts Ha: Ha __
   Hello ending a three-letter word: __ to
   And the second coming four-letter word: _ and __
   The second and fourth have been coming four-letter word: _ _ and Trace
   All Eve had included the words:% to% enemies%
   It has been included and is the second word in the end:% to% less _
2) Search consonant
   All words that begin with consonants b: a%
   All words ending in consonants b: b%
   All words that contain consonant b% b%
   Two-letter word beginning with the consonants b: a __
   Three-letter words ending in consonants b: __ b
   Four-letter word that comes second consonant b: b _ __
   Four-letter word b consonants coming second coming fourth two consonants b: _ b _ b _
   All included the consonants b and b consonant words:% b% b%
3) a neutral search
   All words starting with neutral Hoisting: Hoisting%
   All ends with the neutral words Hoisting: Hoisting%
   All include a neutral word trestle% trestle%
   Two-letter word that starts with mild Hoisting: Hoisting __
   Three-letter word ending in neutral Hoisting: Hoisting __
   Four-letter word was neutral trestle comes second: Hoisting _ __
   Neutral trestle coming second neutral ㅗ coming fourth four-letter word: Hoisting _ _ _ ㅗ
   All include a trestle neutral and neutral ㅗ words: Hoisting%%% ㅗ

4) Mix Search
   O oi the ㅗ
   __ is heh oi
  __ small ㅅㅈ

If you select a word found after a search, you can view Word Search National Institute of Standard Korean Dictionary gyeolgwaeul.

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