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pixi Mobile

Descartes Intl.
100+ downloads

About pixi Mobile

Required pixi version: pixi 23.08

Many processes in your warehouse can be made easier by using a mobile data-capturing device.
We integrated pixi Mobile into pixi processes and functionalities which offers flexibility and efficient operations in your warehouse.

As a pixi user, you can just download the app to your Android device and use it right away.

Following programs and also other features are available with pixi Mobile.

Put to Stock, Take from Stock and Relocate
Put your items to stock, take them from stock or relocate them - quick and easy.

Inventory and Bin Inventory
Do the inventory with pixi Mobile. You can choose to go item by item or do the inventory for a whole bin by scanning all items in this bin.

Goods Receipt and Cross Docking
You can do the whole goods receipt process with pixi Mobile. Put items either in the final bin or in a bin, which is reserved for delivery items. The delivery documents delivered quantity is automatically increased as well as the delivered quantity of related supplier orders and both documents are matched.

Pick to Box, Picklist and Scan-In
Check picklist items and put them on the picking trolley. Afterward, Scan-In can be done with the same-named program. You can also connect both programs by using Scan-In with Picklist. This enables you to put picklist items in the shipping box when picking them. Besides collective picking, where items are picked from their respective bins and later on assigned to the appropriate customer orders on Scan-In, pixi Mobile also offers a much easier way of processing items - pick to box. This combines picking and scanning items into one step.

You can directly process items that were sent back by customers using the Returns program. Return reasons can be entered per item as well as additional information which might help at some later point when processing the return in customer service. The processed items can directly be put into a bin.

Item Info
Item Info shows information regarding the scanned item. Furthermore, you can see in which bins the item is in stock.

Bin Info
In the Bin Info program, you can see all items that were put into one bin.

pixi Mobile Screenshots