Bekasique - Information provider about Bekasi.
The latest mobile apps that provide a variety of informative, current and reliable information and discuss various kinds of updated info and knowledge about the city/regency of Bekasi.
Providing various kinds of information and knowledge facilities that can help the entire community, especially the Bekasi community, to get to know and find out more about various kinds of historical and current information about Bekasi Regency / City.
Various kinds of features that Bekasique has in between.
Information about public & religious facilities
Location of various educational & health facilities
Various tourist locations & restaurants
Knowledge about Bekasi culture
User-to-user communication features
The latest news about Bekasi
As well as a feature to add information about locations that you know.
What are you waiting for, download now, and enjoy the convenience of finding information about
The latest mobile apps that provide a variety of informative, current and reliable information and discuss various kinds of updated info and knowledge about the city/regency of Bekasi.
Providing various kinds of information and knowledge facilities that can help the entire community, especially the Bekasi community, to get to know and find out more about various kinds of historical and current information about Bekasi Regency / City.
Various kinds of features that Bekasique has in between.
Information about public & religious facilities
Location of various educational & health facilities
Various tourist locations & restaurants
Knowledge about Bekasi culture
User-to-user communication features
The latest news about Bekasi
As well as a feature to add information about locations that you know.
What are you waiting for, download now, and enjoy the convenience of finding information about
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