Lackó-motor Bt. icon

Lackó-motor Bt.

DroneSpot Kft.
100+ downloads

About Lackó-motor Bt.

** Lackó-motor Bt. Sewage transport **
Order sewage transport from your mobile phone.
With our system, you can keep track of when your sewage tank was emptied and your bills will be in one place.
You can register in our system with one click, and then after entering the delivery data, you can place your first order.
We will notify you before the arrival of the delivery car, via SMS or through the app. You can pay for the ordered delivery in cash or even by card, as the application supports OTP SimplePay's payment system.
The easiest possible way to order wastewater delivery.
- Download now. -

Our delivery areas: Belecska, Czech, Diósberény, Dúzs, Szeged, Tops, Fürged, Gyönaj, Gyulaj, Hőgyész, Igar, Igar-Vámszőlőhegy, Iregszemcse, Keszőhidegkút, Kisszékely, Koppányszántó, Nagygyeszta, Nagygyeszta, Magyarkeszi, Medgyes , Cellar, Regöly, Simontornya, Szakály, Dry, Szekszárd, Tamási, Tamási Discounted, Tamási Külterület, Tolnanémedi, Udvari, Újireg

Lackó-motor Bt. Screenshots