If you can't measure, you can't manage!
Select cost category to save amount.
Scan receipt total amount and use "SAVE" button to save it. The expense will be saved to current selected account.
You can save costs also manually by writing the total amount.
To see detailed report, open left menu and select "Report" button.
In Report page, you can see daily, weekly, monthly and all time expense details.
You can keep track of multiple accounts by adding new accounts.
You can add your own custom cost - expense categories.
Use OCR technology for everyday needs.
You can easly manage your budget by tracking expenses by this app.
Default expense categories the app provides are:
* Food
* Fuel
* Clothing
* Entertainment
* Invoice
* Supermarket
* Travel
* Repair
You can add custom categories as you wish also!
Select cost category to save amount.
Scan receipt total amount and use "SAVE" button to save it. The expense will be saved to current selected account.
You can save costs also manually by writing the total amount.
To see detailed report, open left menu and select "Report" button.
In Report page, you can see daily, weekly, monthly and all time expense details.
You can keep track of multiple accounts by adding new accounts.
You can add your own custom cost - expense categories.
Use OCR technology for everyday needs.
You can easly manage your budget by tracking expenses by this app.
Default expense categories the app provides are:
* Food
* Fuel
* Clothing
* Entertainment
* Invoice
* Supermarket
* Travel
* Repair
You can add custom categories as you wish also!
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