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Police Radio TV is a streaming broadcast program from the Police Public Relations Division in an effort to strengthen public communication which is one of the priority programs of the National Police Chief, General Pol Listyo Sigit Prabowo. Information channels in an effort to deliver performance achievements, disseminate information on education to the public in an informative and transparent manner. This is a form of Transformation Towards a Police that is Precise (Predictive, Responsible, Transparent, Fair). We present several interesting programs, including:

Commander Wish
Through 16 Priority Programs and 8 Commitments from the Chief of Police, General Pol Listyo Sigit, to transform the Polri institution into a Polri that is precise (Predictive, Responsible, Transparent, Just). Polri leadership policy steps, and Polri leadership work programs at 34 Polda towards precise Polri transformation will be explored deeper and more transparently in the Commander Wish Program.

Chief of Police for a week
The performance of a Polri leader is in the public spotlight, Transformation towards a Precision Police is on the work agenda of Police General Listyo Sigit Prabowo. To explore more deeply the performance of the National Police Chief in a week, the activities of the number one person in the National Police institution are discussed more fully and comprehensively in the KAPOLRI SEPEKAN program.

Indept Story
Various events in the country, summarizing the hottest issues from various sides, are discussed with in-depth and informative coverage, which is packaged in a straightforward and comprehensive manner in the Indept Story program. In addition to the series of programs above, there are a series of other interesting programs such as TKP Checks, Afternoon Police News, Evening Polri News, Polri Update News and Polri Dialogues.


POLRI TV RADIO Screenshots