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About Sen$e

Sen$e: Personal Finance Tool for Military Service Members.

Sen$e is a free Department of Defense app, full of personal finance information for Military service members and their families. Whether you're serving in the Army, Marines, Navy, Air Force, Space Force, or Coast Guard; are planning for retirement, or just thinking about joining the military, you will find helpful tips and content. This personal financial learning tool will assist you with reaching and maintaining a sense of financial well-being as you navigate through life’s major events. Providing factual, unbiased financial material, Sen$e is the only official DoD personal finance tool focused on the unique demands of military life. The tool will help you make sense of the financial decisions you and your family will face throughout and beyond your military career.

Sen$e provides a wealth of information, with interactive features to help increase your financial confidence. Take the Sen$e Challenges to test your sense of personal finance topics. Exercise your brain with fun financial games. The tool is designed to deliver military and family members what they need, when they need it. Thinking about buying a house or car? Marriage? Estate planning? Sen$e has you covered. Easily grasp personal finance topics, develop a spending plan, and navigate your Leave and Earning Statement or LES – all on your smartphone or tablet. Need more information on a topic? Sen$e provides useful links to a vast collection of in-depth resources for you.

The DoD is hoping to enhance your personal finance skills and Sen$e cracks the code to help you make sense of personal finance.
Sen$e does not collect your personally identifiable information, share your data, nor recommend/offer any private financial products for sale, and is ad-free.

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