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is report

PressMatrix GmbH
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About is report

For over 20 years, is report is your magazine for Business Solutions. It encompasses all areas of Business Applications: Business Intelligence (BI) - CRM - DMS / ECM - ERP solutions with SAP and Microsoft, personnel and security issues as well as strategic issues. The value in use for the reader is in the foreground (no personality Stories).
Audience: CEO - CFO - CIO - Head of departments
In addition, the company also publishes the Business Intelligence Guide and the IT trend report (emerged from the IT Company Report). In addition, the company offers other interesting information, such as the 14-day readers newsletter and exclusive mailings (vendor information) or the latest news on the website. Registration for the newsletter is free.

Provider overviews - Guides
In addition, we offer with partners provider overviews of the topics: CRM - Microsoft Dynamics - DMS / ECM - ERP - Industry 4.0 - SAP solutions. Rounding out the Guide offer by the BI solution is report Guide and is report IT trend report.

Online is report Reader Newsletter
Shipping Volume: ca.21.000 e-mail addresses
Frequency: 14 day (about 25 issues per year) advertising opportunities: traditional banner formats or text ads
is report standalone mailing (Customized mailing)
Shipping circumference; 5,600 registered reader is report
Format: HTML Template - taking over your designs -> Shipping with our sender identification
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