The Prestige Dining Club app is a free app that allows you to find nearby restaurants that are partnered with the Prestige Dining Club program. There is no membership required to use the app, but a valid membership card is required to enjoy BOGO free entrées and other perks.
See what's nearby.
You're out on the town and need to know where to eat. Our Map feature shows you what Prestige Dining Club partners are close by.
Register your card.
Keep track of multiple cards. Log restaurant visits and even keep track what you loved or didn't care for.
Find every restaurant.
We get it. Prestige Dining Club is partnered with a lot of restaurants. Our app lets you keep up to date on each of our partner restaurants.
Sort and search.
Hungry for Mexican? Wings? Something else? Our search feature lets you find whatever restaurant fits your appetite.
See what's nearby.
You're out on the town and need to know where to eat. Our Map feature shows you what Prestige Dining Club partners are close by.
Register your card.
Keep track of multiple cards. Log restaurant visits and even keep track what you loved or didn't care for.
Find every restaurant.
We get it. Prestige Dining Club is partnered with a lot of restaurants. Our app lets you keep up to date on each of our partner restaurants.
Sort and search.
Hungry for Mexican? Wings? Something else? Our search feature lets you find whatever restaurant fits your appetite.
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