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Prickly Bear

Prickly Bear
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About Prickly Bear

Prickly Bear is the world’s first learn & earn app that rewards you for playing games. Collect Bearbux as you play and spend them on rewards you love, like Robux!

Here's how it works:

Dive into one of our fun games and start learning and earning right away
The more you learn, the more you earn. Bearbux is our learning currency that you can redeem for in-game currency like Robux, V-Bucks, Minecoins, and more

But wait, there's more! Prickly Bear isn't just about awesome rewards. It's backed by neuroscience to help you tap into your full learning potential. It uses proven techniques like recall and retrieval practices to enhance your learning and memory.

… And, did you know that alternating brain states and self-reflection are essential for healthy learning habits? Prickly Bear's games help you develop these skills while having fun.

So, what are you waiting for? Join the Prickly Bear squad today and let the learning adventure begin!

Disclaimer: Please note that the Prickly Bear app is for educational purposes only and does not provide opportunities to win monetary prizes.

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