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Princess Shim-mer world

wild games
100+ downloads

About Princess Shim-mer world

Princess Shim-mer world it's a running game through Different worlds full of obstacles , dangerous enemies with so mush fun.

This game amazing princess shim-mer and shine adventure games and this is also a challenging levels so beat Your friends high scores and it's a nice game for everyone.

This Princess Shim-mer worldgame is so great and entertaining !!

How to play:
★ You can choose double tap or hold the jump button for a high jump.
★ Use buttons to jump, move, and fire

★ Game is no pay, no purchase required.
★ Containts 6 Worlds High Quality
★ Beautiful high-resolution graphics
★ Smooth user interface
★ Music and sound effects

Download this one of best games app now !!

Princess Shim-mer world Screenshots