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Paul Arciero
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500+ downloads

About PRISE® Life

The PRISE® Life app is the culmination of over 30 years of conducting and publishing peer-reviewed nutrition, applied physiology and neuro-psychology research in the leading science and medical journals with the ultimate goal of creating an easy to follow and proven roadmap to optimal weight and belly fat loss, lean muscle gain, fitness, and performance. I've helped hundreds of thousands of people from all over the world achieve the body, mind and life they’ve always wanted. Now, for the first time, PRISE puts the science in your hands so you can begin thinking, feeling, looking, and living your best life!"

Dr. Paul J. Arciero, FACSM, FTOS, FISSN


PRISE shows you hourly and daily guidance on the best-practices of optimal nourishment with food, fitness and emotional well-being, regardless of age, fitness level, or health status. There’s no guesswork. PRISE is your “fast-track” pathway to your best body and life! The best news of all, PRISE is customized and personalized for you and your biometric profile to help you reach your goals and get the results you want even faster!


With PRISE, you get a “Daily Schedule” of exactly how much protein to eat at each meal as well as what days and what type of fitness routines using my Protein Pacing® and PRISE® Life Fitness algorithms, both of which I’ve developed from decades of rigorous original scientific research studies in human nutrition, applied and exercise physiology, and neuropsychology. Together, Protein Pacing and the PRISE Life fitness are scientifically proven to maximize weight loss, including total fat and belly fat loss, optimize lean muscle mass, enhance heart and metabolic health, reduce harmful oxidative stress, and boost mood!

PRISE provides a Daily Schedule for regular guidance throughout the day for Protein Pacing (P), combined with “RISE” fitness and PRISE Mindfulness using the Body Visit! RISE fitness = Resistance (R), Interval (I), Stretching (S), and Endurance (E) training. Please visit for more information about Protein Pacing, PRISE Life, and Dr. Paul.

In the near future, you can upgrade to Premium at $9.95 per month to get even more great content including additional RISE Fitness routines with Dr. Paul and more sample meals for Protein Pacing!

PRISE also works for entire organizations and companies as a Wellness and Well-being Platform. Visit for more information on adopting the PRISE Life protocol for your members and employees.

PRISE® Life Screenshots