Investor icon


Keith Larson
100+ downloads

About Investor

Plan to make money with this investment calculator!

Input your starting savings and your monthly contribution to see a graph of where your compound interest savings portfolio can take you. Even a small monthly contribution at a decent rate (e.g. an index fund) can balloon up and secure your financial future.

Interest is compounded monthly in this application, like many high-rate savings accounts. The default 5% interest represents an average stock market fund. We recommend using a 1% interest rate to represent high-yield saving accounts.

*Disclaimer: The financial calculations in this application are meant strictly for rough estimates of projected growth and should not be used as financial advice in lieu of a proper financial planner.

*Privacy: No data is saved or sent with this app. The only internet activity is AdMob advertisements to support the developer.

This app contains ads by AdMob.

Investor Screenshots