HELP App lets you search for the appropriate medical service providers (e.g. Doctors, Chemists, Laboratories, Hospitals, Ambulances, Blood Banks) in your area.
You can instantly book appointments with Doctors or Laboratories, at your convenient time and place for FREE.
You can choose verified medical professionals for your ailment, instantly from your phone.
- Find medical service providers near you, based on your current location.
- Search for services based on their Specialty, Name, or Location.
- Filter Search Results based on Area, Availability, Fees and many other parameters.
- Instant Book Appointment saves you a great deal of time.
- Get a holistic view of Medical Profiles with Qualifications, Awards, and other information.
- See facility details such as Timings, Consultation Fees, Address & a lot more.
- Navigate to your selected facility with integrated Google Maps.
- Let's you select your preferred Doctors, Chemists, Laboratories saved under a unified view.
You can instantly book appointments with Doctors or Laboratories, at your convenient time and place for FREE.
You can choose verified medical professionals for your ailment, instantly from your phone.
- Find medical service providers near you, based on your current location.
- Search for services based on their Specialty, Name, or Location.
- Filter Search Results based on Area, Availability, Fees and many other parameters.
- Instant Book Appointment saves you a great deal of time.
- Get a holistic view of Medical Profiles with Qualifications, Awards, and other information.
- See facility details such as Timings, Consultation Fees, Address & a lot more.
- Navigate to your selected facility with integrated Google Maps.
- Let's you select your preferred Doctors, Chemists, Laboratories saved under a unified view.
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