Please do not do support suggestions or questions in the comments, I can not answer them and it can happen that I overlooked. Use e-mail available in the market or in the configuration.
This application complements 'Time METEO' providing widgets. This is not an official app is not sponsored, maintained or supported by AEMET. You need to install 'METEO Time' for this application to work.
The reasons for separating the application widgets are three:
- Now you can have 'Time METEO' installed on the SD card
- Fixed error with some Samsung models to automatically move the application to the SD, thus disabling widgets
- Ability to take more than one type of widget, using the features of the newer versions of android and various other themes and icons
You can create widgets for weather forecasting based on your location or your favorite places or beaches. You can also create widgets with data from the meteorological stations of the network of the Meteorological Agency.
If you have any suggestions or errors feel free to contact me via email that appears on the market.
Setting Intent
- Action: aemetwidgets.ACTUALIZAR
- Component Package:
- Component Class:
- Broadcast: Yes
This application complements 'Time METEO' providing widgets. This is not an official app is not sponsored, maintained or supported by AEMET. You need to install 'METEO Time' for this application to work.
The reasons for separating the application widgets are three:
- Now you can have 'Time METEO' installed on the SD card
- Fixed error with some Samsung models to automatically move the application to the SD, thus disabling widgets
- Ability to take more than one type of widget, using the features of the newer versions of android and various other themes and icons
You can create widgets for weather forecasting based on your location or your favorite places or beaches. You can also create widgets with data from the meteorological stations of the network of the Meteorological Agency.
If you have any suggestions or errors feel free to contact me via email that appears on the market.
Setting Intent
- Action: aemetwidgets.ACTUALIZAR
- Component Package:
- Component Class:
- Broadcast: Yes
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