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Protech DNA

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About Protech DNA

ProtechDNA offers a FREE mobile app to help our users inventory their valuables and store them securely into their account. At the time of registration each user will be assigned a unique PIN (Personal Identification Number) that is recognized by law enforcement around the country. User can apply that PIN to the property with either our DNA adhesive, which is provided FREE at the time of registration ($5.99 shipping and set up fee required) or a Forensic Property Pen available online for $4.00. Both methods are forensic applications and invisible to the naked eye. All law enforcement has special detection equipment to determine if property has been marked and ability to view the invisible PIN applied to property.

Users accounts will include contact details that are linked to the PIN issued at the time of registration. The PIN applied to your valuables gives law enforcement the ability to identify ownership and contact information to successfully return recovered property to its rightful owner.

User account also provides you the option to manage property, including a full description of the property, including make, model, serial number, approx value, property descriptions, and upload a picture. The property descriptions entered into your account are also matched with pawn shop transactions, and if matched can notify property owner and law enforcement the property has been sold at pawn shop.

Users can easily manage all their property by setting up room by room inventory, and continue to add items to securely link them to the user. User can add multiple PINs from their profile section of account. If property is sold, user can transfer property to new user from mobile app.

ProtechDNA also offers additional security products online that will deter criminals, those include window warning decals - $1.50, bicycle DNA labels - $1, additional DNA for Property kits can be purchased after initial free kit is ordered for $12.99.

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