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Devocionales Cristianos

Proyecto App Desarrollador
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About Devocionales Cristianos

Christian Devotionals builds a daily Christian study based on the promises of our God and Lord to the people of Israel, to feed the spirit every morning.
For this you will find in our application a set of Christian devotions, which you will obtain daily in the morning so that you can start the day with the promises and blessings of the God of Israel . Our hope is that these biblical devotionals help you not to stray from the Lord, but on the contrary, to be more attached than ever to the true vine.
Our evangelical and development team is constantly working on our application to bring you the best free Christian devotionals.
In addition, we continue to work to bring you new resources such as daily biblical promises, among others.


Daily Devotional: At the beginning of the day you will receive a devotional based on the study of one of God's promises in the holy scriptures. It will be accompanied by an evangelical Christian reflection.

Prayer Requests: You can leave us your prayer request through the app and our ministry will be praying for you. In addition, the prayer requests will be seen by the rest of the users who will also be able to pray for you.

Christian promises: The promises of God constitute in a symbolic and prophetic way the work that the Lord will carry out in each time. Amos 3:7 says: "For the Lord God will do nothing, unless He reveals His secrets to His servants His prophets." Therefore, it is essential as believers, the study and knowledge of each of those great rewards, awaiting those faithful harvesters who gratefully follow and serve God. Our application is a tool that facilitates the study of the promises of God.


⭐ Daily you will receive Christian devotions based on a Promise of God.

⭐ You can save each devotional to favorites to access it on another occasion, thus putting together a personalized group based on the daily scriptures of the bible.

⭐ Now you can send us your prayer requests through the application and you can also pray for the requests of others. We know that the Lord hears prayers and delights in them. Have faith and let us pray for you.

⭐ The devotions of the last 10 days will be saved so you can access them at any time.

⭐ You will be able to share each Bible study, through sms, by mail or through your favorite social networks.

⭐ Your friends will be able to enjoy the content you share without downloading the application.

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