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Pujo Directions

500+ downloads

About Pujo Directions

From the buzz of "Maa asche" to the frenzied "Maa eshe geche", the Bengali madness has just set in to the rhythm of the the "dhaak". With the air smelling of homecoming, celebration, "shiuli" flowers, "dhunuchi" and the fancy perfume of your beloved, it is difficult to remember the pandals in all the lanes and by-lanes that you had marked on your checklist. We have you covered. While you may forget the days of the week in this fiesta, you'll surely not forget the way to the pandal with our app.
Visit top pandals of Kolkata at ease.This app will navigate you through all pandels in a fluid and effective way.This app will had divided all pujo's into 3 divisions:North,South and Central.
In short ,pujo direction will be you best pandel hopping partner.
Application & Server Developer:
Soumyadip Chowdhury
Kumar Shivam

Cloud & Infrastructure Developer :
Soumyadip Chowdhury
Susan Guha

Marketing Support:
Ankit Mazumder
Souvik Mallick

Pujo Directions Screenshots

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