Sultan9Jambi Marketplace facilitates sellers and buyers meeting online by using a special website or platform. Where this platform can also promote merchandise and also facilitate buying and selling transactions online. Then offer products or goods that are sold and can be in the form of services to potential customers or customers. This process is carried out without meeting physically, because they already use a platform for buying and selling on the marketplace.
Sultan9Jambi is connected directly to Bank 9 Jambi, in this case providing Virtual Account payments to make it easier for users. We are trying to be better at creating a forum for all citizens of the province of Jambi so that the native Jambi MSME market can compete with other digital shops.
Sultan9Jambi is connected directly to Bank 9 Jambi, in this case providing Virtual Account payments to make it easier for users. We are trying to be better at creating a forum for all citizens of the province of Jambi so that the native Jambi MSME market can compete with other digital shops.
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