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Transpose Chords

10,000+ downloads

About Transpose Chords

Transpose Chords. Free version

It is easy way to transpose your song
You can increase or decrease chords a half tone
You can select the display mode for sharps and flats
It display guitar chords


-Select chords notation: Latín or English
-Write the chords of your song in the old key (separated spaces). Example: C Dm C#m...
-Use the "m" letter for minor chords. Example: Cm D#m Bbm...
-Use the "#" character for sharps. Example: D# D#m D#m...
-Use the "b" letter for flats. Example: Gb Db Bb Bbm Bbm7...
-Use the "7" number for Seventh chord. Example: C7 D7 D#7...
-Select the new key
-Click on the "calculate" button to display the song in the new key and the guitar chords

-Save, open and share your songs
-Display chords for piano and ukulele instruments
-Display chords variations
-Write the lyrics including the chords
-Will be available as from January 2019

Transpose Chords Screenshots