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About 唐诗三百首

"Three Hundred Tang Poems" is a very wide spread of Tang poetry anthology. Tang Dynasty (618 - 907) two hundred ninety years, is the development of the golden age of Chinese poetry, cloud steaming Xia Wei, famous men, Tang number of up to five thousand head. Sunqin An "election of the six hundred kinds of feeds Tang preface," that "the election by a large number of Sanyi Tang, surviving three hundred species. Among the most popular and well known household names, to count" Three Hundred Tang Poems. " "" Three Hundred Tang Poems "choose a wide range of poetry, a collection of 77 poems, a total of 311, the number to the number of Du Fu poem and more, there are 38, verse 29 Wang Wei, Li Bai poem 27, verse 22 Li Shang-yin. It is the primary contact with Chinese classical poetry best introductory book.

1 interface using simple style
2 Each Tang poems contain annotations
3 supports a variety of search methods

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