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Qobuz Club

1,000+ downloads

About Qobuz Club

Qobuz Club is the place for Audiophiles and music lovers.
In the Club, you can meet other music enthusiasts and discuss Hi-Fi, Music, Vinyl and others.

You’ll be able to:

Share interests surrounding topics including Hi-Fi gear, a large variety of music genres sorted by music clubs, Vinyl and more.

Meet expert audiophiles & music lovers from all over the world.

Get inspirations on albums, artists tracks and playlists.

Propose ideas, suggestions and improvements directly to the Qobuz team.

Have fun by debating on the latest music news, stories, and history with other community members.

In addition to exchanging on specific topics, you’ll be able to participate in exclusive contests, attend live streams with actors of the music and audiophile world, and get the latest information about Qobuz and its future features.

NB: This app is for music lovers, audiophiles and Qobuz users, but you don't have to be a paying customer to jump in the community!

Download the app and share your passion for music and audio with the Qobuz community!

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