The popular historical magazine "Rodina" is a continuation of the traditions of popular science historical journalism, founded by the creators of the eponymous pre-revolutionary publication as far back as 1879. The modern “Motherland” has been published since January 1989 and invariably provides the reader with a rich educational material.
The historic popular science magazine Rodina, a 140-page full-color glossy magazine, illustrated with rare and unique photographs and other graphic materials, is addressed not only to professional historians, but to anyone interested in national and world history.
Our authors are famous historians, archaeologists, writers, and publicists.
Since 2007, the journal has been on the list of leading peer-reviewed scientific journals and publications in which the Expert Council of the Higher Attestation Commission of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia requires publication of the main scientific results of dissertations for the degree of candidate and doctor of historical sciences.
Since 2014, the magazine has been published by the FGBU “The Editorial Office of the Rossiyskaya Gazeta”. In 2015, the journal was reformatted from the historical to the historical popular science, which should attract a wide range of readers to it.
The historic popular science magazine Rodina, a 140-page full-color glossy magazine, illustrated with rare and unique photographs and other graphic materials, is addressed not only to professional historians, but to anyone interested in national and world history.
Our authors are famous historians, archaeologists, writers, and publicists.
Since 2007, the journal has been on the list of leading peer-reviewed scientific journals and publications in which the Expert Council of the Higher Attestation Commission of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia requires publication of the main scientific results of dissertations for the degree of candidate and doctor of historical sciences.
Since 2014, the magazine has been published by the FGBU “The Editorial Office of the Rossiyskaya Gazeta”. In 2015, the journal was reformatted from the historical to the historical popular science, which should attract a wide range of readers to it.
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