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German Grammar
Complete German grammar explained in Arabic
German grammar exercises

The most important rules of the German language that you must learn well.
This application is a real treasure for anyone who wants to learn German grammar in an easy and correct way.
This application contains the following parts:

German grammar is easy

German grammar is easy do you think so? If you do not think so, then it is good that you are here. You will learn German grammar without complication, and you will also practice it until you master the complete German grammar!

Grammar is the pillar of the language. Without learning the rules well, you will not be understood. Therefore, be sure to learn them well and practice them as well in order to master them.

On this page, we will review all the German language rules on the Bilal Hassan website for learning the German language:

Complete German grammar explained in Arabic
The German alphabet and how to pronounce the letters
Vowels in the German language
How to pronounce the letter A,a and the letters aa in German words
How to pronounce the letter B,b and the letters bb in German words
How to pronounce the letters CH,ch in German words
How to pronounce the letter D, d, the letters dd and the letters dt in German words
How to pronounce the letter E,e, the letters ee, and the compound vowels ei and eu in German words
How to pronounce the compound letters ie in German words
How to pronounce the letters QU,qu in German words
How to pronounce the letter S, s and the compound letters sch, sp and st in German words
How to pronounce the letter P,p and the compound letters pf in German words
Definition and indefinite tools in the German language and how to differentiate between them
German identification tools Die deutsche bestimmte Artikeln
German indefinite article Unbestimmter Artikel
German nouns without definite articles or indefinite parts
Plural of nouns in German Plural and what are the general rules for building plural in the German language
Negation in German and the cases of using nicht, kein und nie in the sentence
The indefinite noun is negated by Kein - Keine in the German language
Personal pronouns in the German language Personalpronomen
The verb in the German language and how to conjugate it
The present tense in the German language - Präsens and its uses
Interrogative and question forms in the German language Die Frage
Interrogative pronouns in the German language Interrogativpronomen and the difference between them and interrogative articles
Grammar for correct writing in German
Demonstrativartikel - Demonstrativartikel Denoting tools for things and people
Possessivartikel German Possessivartikel
German present perfect tense and verbs that take the auxiliary verb haben
Present perfect tense Das Perfekt with the auxiliary verb sein
The imperative form Der Imperativ in German with the three discourse pronouns
Conjugation of die Modal Verben auxiliary verbs in the present tense with German pronouns
Conjugate the verb wollen in sentences and practice it
Conjugation of the verb müssen in sentences and practice on it
Conjugation of the verb dürfen in sentences and practice on it
Pronoun im Deutschen in German
The impersonal pronoun es and its use Das unbestimmte Pronomen
Possessive Pronouns in German Possessivpronomen
Adjectives in German Die Adjektive
German adjectives and their opposites Deutsche Adjektive und ihre Gegenteile
Words denoting time in German and their types Zeitangaben
Prepositions in the German language Die Präpositionen
German prepositions with the Akkusativ or the Wechselpräpositionen ( Dativ)
German prepositions in the dative case Die Präpositionen mit Dativ
Prepositions in the dative case Die Präpositionen mit Genitiv
German spatial preposition 1030 place with Wo? Wohin? Woher?
The simple future Futur I in the German language and how to formulate it
The past simple in German is Präteritum
German verbs with separated letters and inseparable letters and how to differentiate between them
Akkusativ in German is the simplest explanation of the declension of a noun or a pronoun.
German verbs with prepositions Verben mit Präpositionen
Practice using prepositions with German nouns
Links in German Die Konjunkturen
Past past tense in German Das Plusquamperfekt
The future perfect Futur II in the German language and the difference between it and the simple future Futur I
Relativpronomen in German
Konjunktiv and its types Konjunktiv 1
Konjunktiv 2 in German and the conjugation of verbs in the form of Konjunktiv 2 detailed explanation with examples

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