UCOO is a social software for global Chinese users, dedicated to creating a high-quality Chinese friendship circle, where you can find Chinese friends in the same area as you. If you can't find someone to play with because of busy work or limited social circle, try downloading UCOO! Similar to tinder, soul, Tantan, Momo, Jimu, there are also a large number of good-looking, interesting, and nice-sounding friends in UCOO. Come join us and experience the joy of online social networking!
- High-value matching, find friends in the same area as yourself
-Voice party, multi-person mic, online karaoke, emotional radio station
-Tribal circles, forming communities according to regions and hobbies, regularly holding online and offline gatherings
- Chat privately, share life stories, melt loneliness with companionship
- Tag matching, personalized recommendation, meeting similar souls
There are other more fun features under development, join us now!
【Related agreements】
UCOO User Service Agreement: https://ucoofun.com/agreement.html
UCOO Privacy Agreement: https://ucoofun.com/privacy.html
UCOO gold coin recharge agreement: https://m.ucoofun.com/charge/agreement/
UCOO Member Service Agreement: https://m.ucoofun.com/memberagreement.html
UCOO membership automatic renewal agreement: https://m.ucoofun.com/membersubscriptionagreement.html
- High-value matching, find friends in the same area as yourself
-Voice party, multi-person mic, online karaoke, emotional radio station
-Tribal circles, forming communities according to regions and hobbies, regularly holding online and offline gatherings
- Chat privately, share life stories, melt loneliness with companionship
- Tag matching, personalized recommendation, meeting similar souls
There are other more fun features under development, join us now!
【Related agreements】
UCOO User Service Agreement: https://ucoofun.com/agreement.html
UCOO Privacy Agreement: https://ucoofun.com/privacy.html
UCOO gold coin recharge agreement: https://m.ucoofun.com/charge/agreement/
UCOO Member Service Agreement: https://m.ucoofun.com/memberagreement.html
UCOO membership automatic renewal agreement: https://m.ucoofun.com/membersubscriptionagreement.html
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