Radios Online FM y AM Raddios icon

Radios Online FM y AM Raddios

4.6 out of 5
100,000+ downloads

About Radios Online FM y AM Raddios

Raddios offers you:
- Listen to world stations with a single click.
- Go back or forward between recently listened radios.
- Know the name of the song that plays on those radios that publish it.
- Create your list of favorite radios.
- Record audios of the stations you want.
- Add streaming to listen to a radio just for you.
- Timer to stop the radio as a Sleep function.
- Alarm to wake up with your favorite station.
- And much more...

Raddios has a web version ( and a mobile app, through both means you can create your own list of radios to listen to your favorite stations every day. You can leave comments and be a follower of the online radio you want.

First online radio streaming app that allows you to record what you are listening to.

The app has the Sleep function to put a radio to sleep automatically at a certain time and also the Alarm Clock option, enter other options.

You will also find a Radio Ranking to find out which stations in your country are the most listened to, voted on, commented on and many more options.

You can listen to local radios in your city and find radio stations from all countries in the world, such as: Radios from Argentina, Radios from Chile, Radios from Colombia, Radios from Brazil, Radios from Uruguay, Radios from Peru, Radios from Mexico, Radios from Spain, Radios from France, Radios from Venezuela, etc.

We keep the stations permanently updated, however as we have more than 15,000 radios in our directory, we thank you for helping us to update them more quickly by sending us your message to the following link

Thanks for being part of Raddios and taking us wherever you go :)

Radios Online FM y AM Raddios Screenshots