1. Register into the app using your phone number.
2. Filter your search based on price and dietary
3. Verify your phone number using Twilio SMS verification.
4. Search by the name of the food, cuisine category, and the restaurant name.
5. View past and current order details.
6. Pay for the order using cash, wallet, credit/debit card.
7. Save work and home location for quick booking.
8. Apply promo code to order at a low price.
9. Choose your preferred language out of English, Spanish, French, Indonesian, Japanese, and Russian.
10. Track real-time on the status of your order on the app.
2. Filter your search based on price and dietary
3. Verify your phone number using Twilio SMS verification.
4. Search by the name of the food, cuisine category, and the restaurant name.
5. View past and current order details.
6. Pay for the order using cash, wallet, credit/debit card.
7. Save work and home location for quick booking.
8. Apply promo code to order at a low price.
9. Choose your preferred language out of English, Spanish, French, Indonesian, Japanese, and Russian.
10. Track real-time on the status of your order on the app.
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