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rainbow radio uk app online

radio & music banelop
100+ downloads

About rainbow radio uk app online

With this simple but effective application you will be able to listen to rainbow radio uk and all its content 24 hours a day, 7 days a week no matter where you are and what you are doing.


* Listen to your favorite radio station anytime & anywhere
* Keep listening to your radio while doing other tasks
* Full Radio player to display song title and artist name
* Easy to use ever for first time users
* Simple and beautiful user interface
* Powerful control panel to stop/start radio stream from home screen
* Clean and simple user interface
* Sleep timer to turn on/off your radio
* No buffering or interruptions
* Quality sound
* Don't need to connect the headphones

This App supports 3G, 4S, LTE, EDGE and WiFi network connections to gives you the best experience.

All logos/images/names/audios are copyrights of their owners. These logos/images/names/audios are used purely and only for entertainment purposes. No copyright violation & infringement are intended, and any request to remove will be honored.

rainbow radio uk app online Screenshots