Rajbha Gadhvi is famous gujarati singer, Lok gayak and his some the famous songs like Patel no Tyag, Rajput Dayro Charal, Mar Mar Mar - Sapakaru, Chapakaru, Gir No Savaj, Hanuman Jayanti Dayro.
- Gujarati Video Songs,
- Dayro
- Garba,
- Navratri,
- Lok Dayro
This application is totally free on play store. All the contents of this application like video songs are taken from youtube public API, We have not uploaded any videos on our server and we don't have any rights on videos. If is there any issue with content please contact us on "truptitech802@gmail.com" and we will take action to remove such content.
- Gujarati Video Songs,
- Dayro
- Garba,
- Navratri,
- Lok Dayro
This application is totally free on play store. All the contents of this application like video songs are taken from youtube public API, We have not uploaded any videos on our server and we don't have any rights on videos. If is there any issue with content please contact us on "truptitech802@gmail.com" and we will take action to remove such content.
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