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Harpa Cristã Pro

500+ downloads

About Harpa Cristã Pro

Listen and read all the lyrics of the hymns and praises of the Christian Harp at any time directly from your mobile, with simple design and easy navigation, easily find all the praises of the Christian Harp with audio.

✔ There are 640 hymns with lyrics and audio for you.

✔ Totally without advertisements.

✔ Create your custom playlist and hear only your favorite praises.

✔ Audio works with the mobile screen locked and also in the background.

✔ Plays all hymns automatically without having to skip to the next one manually.

✔ Quickly seek praise by name or number.

✔ Adjust the text size to make it easier to see.

✔ Use Dark Mode for more pleasant reading in dark environments.

✔ Lightweight app that won't take up much space on your phone and download quickly;

Have in your hand the official hymnal of the Assemblies of God;

All praises are available for free in this version. Also, you can add the hymns you like the most to your favorites to find them faster.

To help us improve, leave your review on the Google Play Store and if you want you can also contact us via email Rallappsdev@gmail.com.

Harpa Cristã Pro Screenshots