USSD Code Uzmobile  Kodlar mob icon

USSD Code Uzmobile Kodlar mob

Rapidd App studio
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About USSD Code Uzmobile Kodlar mob

USSD Code Uzmobile Kodlar is a must-have mobile application designed to enhance the convenience and efficiency of Uzmobile customers in Uzbekistan. This app serves as a comprehensive and user-friendly tool for subscribers of Uzmobile, one of the leading mobile network providers in the country.
O'zbekiston mobil aloqa operatorlari UMS, Uzmobile, Ucell, Beeline, va Perfectum haqida savollaringizga javob olish va ilovaning o'zgartirish imkoniyatlari.

✭ information about your expenses
✭ activation of internet, sms and voice packages
✭ balance check, a list of all your numbers and connected services
✭ ban all mailing lists
✭ service management: they called you, call me back, promised payment, direct transfer, etc.
✭ information about tariff plans
✭ all USSD codes
✭ change tariff
✭ checking the balance of the Internet package
✭ news of mobile operators

To'g'ridan-to'g'ri uzatish va h.k.
✭ Tarif rejalari haqida ma'lumot
✭ Tarif rejasini o'zgartirish
✭ Internet paketining qolgan qismini tekshirish
✭ Mijozlarni qo'llab-quvvatlash xizmatiga qo'ng'iroq qilish
✭ Barcha siz uchun kerakli USSD Kodlar
✭ Telefonning IMEI kodini bilib oling
✭ Yangiliklar

"Discover Uzmobile USSD codes, balance checks, package activations, tariff info, service management, and more in one app.

This information is provided for general informational purposes only. The content is not intended as professional advice and should not be relied upon as such. Any actions or decisions made based on this information are taken at your own risk. We do not assume any responsibility for errors, omissions, or inaccuracies in the content or for any consequences arising from the use of this information. Always seek advice from qualified professionals for specific concerns or situations.Download and Rate Our App Thank!

USSD Code Uzmobile Kodlar mob Screenshots