This store is for residents of towers and residential complexes and organizations and companies. After installing from the home screen, select your relevant store and enter the store.
After the major supply of fruits and vegetables to fruit shops and markets in the city, in order to supply fruits and vegetables directly to citizens, reduce pollution caused by hand-picking fruit, reduce citizens intra-city travel, prevent the spread of diseases Epidemic and finally the supply of fruits and vegetables at a much cheaper price than stores in the city, the i-super system was launched. iSupery will send your orders in the field of fruits, dates and nuts at the lowest price and immediately after the order. Be sure that the prices in iSupery are at least 20% lower than the stores in the city and all products are offered based on standard quality and specific grading.
This store is for residents of towers and residential complexes and organizations and companies. After installing from the home screen, select your relevant store and enter the store.
After the major supply of fruits and vegetables to fruit shops and markets in the city, in order to supply fruits and vegetables directly to citizens, reduce pollution caused by hand-picking fruit, reduce citizens intra-city travel, prevent the spread of diseases Epidemic and finally the supply of fruits and vegetables at a much cheaper price than stores in the city, the i-super system was launched. iSupery will send your orders in the field of fruits, dates and nuts at the lowest price and immediately after the order. Be sure that the prices in iSupery are at least 20% lower than the stores in the city and all products are offered based on standard quality and specific grading.
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