Assalamu'alaikum w.r. w.b.
Ustadz Lectures Popular Mp3 is a lightweight application with a clean look to listen to lectures of renowned religious teachers such as:
- Ustadz Abdul Somad
- Ustadz Adi Hidayat - Akhyar TV
- Buya Yahya - Al Bahjah, Cirebon
- Aa Gym - Daarut Tauhid
- Ustadz Hannan Attaki - Youth Hijrah
- Ustadz Arifin Ilham (Alm.) - Az-Zikra Sentul Council
- Ustadz Yusuf Mansur
- Habib Munzir Al Musawa (Alm.) - Majelis Rasulullah SAW
- Habib Syech Bin Abdul Qodir Assegaf
- Habib Novel Alaydrus
- Habib Muhammad Al Habsyi - Solo
- Habib Taufiq Assegaf - Sunniyyah Salafiyah, Pasuruan
- Habib Ali Zaenal Abidin - Malaysia
- Habib Jindan Bin Novel - Al Fachriyah
- K.H. Ahmad Bahaudin Nursalim (Gus Baha) - "The Qur'an Walks"
- Ustadz Muhammad Idrus Ramli - Al Hujjah Press "Aswaja Swordsman"
- and other clerics.
The contents of this mu'akad sunnah study come from the sunnah clerics who are undoubtedly lunge and scientific. Lectures are always up to date and are always actually discussing Islamic religious knowledge to socio-cultural issues and other recent problems.
We as developers only help the propaganda of the original Ahlussunnah Wal Jama'ah Islam spread to saentaero country and not take advantage of this application. The income obtained from the application will be donated for the benefit of da'wah and charity with priority distribution to the Foundation / Islamic Boarding School of the religious teachers whose lectures are in this application.
If there are deficiencies or errors in this Popular Ustadz Lecture application, please understand. We hope you can provide constructive suggestions and criticisms for us to improve and improve by sending an e-mail to
If you like and want to participate in spreading the kindness of the preachers, please give a good rating (Playstore) and spread it to your network.
Wassalamu'alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatu.
Ustadz Lectures Popular Mp3 is a lightweight application with a clean look to listen to lectures of renowned religious teachers such as:
- Ustadz Abdul Somad
- Ustadz Adi Hidayat - Akhyar TV
- Buya Yahya - Al Bahjah, Cirebon
- Aa Gym - Daarut Tauhid
- Ustadz Hannan Attaki - Youth Hijrah
- Ustadz Arifin Ilham (Alm.) - Az-Zikra Sentul Council
- Ustadz Yusuf Mansur
- Habib Munzir Al Musawa (Alm.) - Majelis Rasulullah SAW
- Habib Syech Bin Abdul Qodir Assegaf
- Habib Novel Alaydrus
- Habib Muhammad Al Habsyi - Solo
- Habib Taufiq Assegaf - Sunniyyah Salafiyah, Pasuruan
- Habib Ali Zaenal Abidin - Malaysia
- Habib Jindan Bin Novel - Al Fachriyah
- K.H. Ahmad Bahaudin Nursalim (Gus Baha) - "The Qur'an Walks"
- Ustadz Muhammad Idrus Ramli - Al Hujjah Press "Aswaja Swordsman"
- and other clerics.
The contents of this mu'akad sunnah study come from the sunnah clerics who are undoubtedly lunge and scientific. Lectures are always up to date and are always actually discussing Islamic religious knowledge to socio-cultural issues and other recent problems.
We as developers only help the propaganda of the original Ahlussunnah Wal Jama'ah Islam spread to saentaero country and not take advantage of this application. The income obtained from the application will be donated for the benefit of da'wah and charity with priority distribution to the Foundation / Islamic Boarding School of the religious teachers whose lectures are in this application.
If there are deficiencies or errors in this Popular Ustadz Lecture application, please understand. We hope you can provide constructive suggestions and criticisms for us to improve and improve by sending an e-mail to
If you like and want to participate in spreading the kindness of the preachers, please give a good rating (Playstore) and spread it to your network.
Wassalamu'alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatu.
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