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Kurs Rupiah Hari Ini

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About Kurs Rupiah Hari Ini

Indonesian Rupiah Exchange Rate is an application that simplifies exchange rate information from various banks in Indonesia. The information provided becomes easy to read and understand. All data in the Indonesian Rupiah Exchange Rate application is based on data from each bank that is taken in real time. Indonesian rupiah exchange rate does not add or subtract or change existing data. All data comes from each bank.

List of supported currency rates:
- Eurours to Indonesia Rupiah today.
-Kurs sterling Pounds to Indonesia Rupiah today.
-Kurs Hong Kong dollar (hongkong dollar) to Indonesian rupiah today.
-Kurs Japanese yen (Japanese yen) to Indonesia rupiah today.
-Kurs South Korean won (south korean won) to Indonesia rupiah today .
-Kurswa Kuwaiti dinar (Kuwait dinar) to Indonesian rupiah today.
-Kurs Lao kip to Indonesia rupiah today.
-Kursing Malaysian ringgit (malaysia ringgit) to Indonesia rupiah today .
- Norwegian krone train to Indonesian rupiah today.
- New Zealand dollar (to New Zealand dollar) to Indonesian rupiah today.
- Papua New Guinean train to kina to Indonesia rupiah today .
- Philippine peso train (Philippine peso) to Indonesian rupiah today.
- Saudi riyal course (saudi arabic riyal) to Indonesian rupiah today.
- Swedish krona train to Indonesia rupiah today here.
-Kurs Singapore do llar (singapore dollars) to Indonesia rupiah today.
-Kurs Thai baht (Bath thailand) to Indonesia rupiah today.
-Kurs United States dollar (us dollars) to Indonesia rupiah today.
- Vietnamese exchange rate to Indonesia rupiah today.

List of available banks:
- BCA Bank
- BJB Bank
- BNI Bank
- BRI Bank
- Bank BTN - CIMB Bank - DANAMON Bank - MANDIRI Bank - PANIN Bank - PERMATA Bank - MEGA Bank - BUKOPIN Bank

Here are the features of Today's Rupiah Exchange Rate Application:
- Summary of exchange rates from Bank Indonesia
- Details of exchange rates of each bank
- Data is taken at that time / real time
- Always updated from trusted sources
- Easy to use
- Lightweight does not eat memory

* an internet connection is required for updating.

Please read the "disclaimer page" in this application.
http://redcircleappsid.blogspot.co.id/2016/08/valas-indonesia-kebapak-privasi.html < / p>

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