A must have app to help manage your reef aquarium that includes a free 14 day trial.
Log: Keep track of water parameters. Optional Advanced Features also record Preferred Supplements and give dosing suggestions based on testing results. Preferred Test Kit recording allows entering the reading from the testing syringe, no need to compare the syringe reading against a chart. Built in timers for each individual parameter recorded, as well as a user defined time preset for each one. In addition to individual parameter countdown timers a Drop Counter for keeping track of how many drops were added from a reagent bottle. Have a Neptune Apex controller? Pull probe data & daily dosage amounts directly from your Apex into your log.
Log Overview: View your logs in a easy to read table format. View by Date Range as well as individual parameters. Quick View Graphs show previous 7 data points for each parameter. View more data using the Master Chart feature.
Tasks with optional Notifications: View & Sort Tasks by Date, Task Category Type, and Aquarium Name. Large set of predefined Task Category Types and up to 5 custom Task Category Types. View Tasks via List View or Calendar View.
LiveStock: Manage & keep track of your fish and corals. Keep individual notes for each LiveStock entry, such as when treating fish in quarantine. Download and save the website listing that the livestock was purchased from and attach a picture of the receipt.
Utilities: Dosing calculators include a comprehensive list of commercially available supplements to help make the dosing of elements easier than ever.
Master Chart: Up to 5 parameters can be plotted between a user defined date range. For example graph your Alkalinity results, custom Alkalinity Set Point, and how many ml's of buffer you added per day over the course of the past two weeks.