Register and receive real-time notifications based on location, phone use, and texting context.
Device information is synced to your personal email account.
Device notifications and events are synced between our app and your email address, assuring that you will always have access, and a backup, of your important information.
Remote access to critical device information is vital. With home and work, passwords and communications, something like losing ones phone can amount to catastrophe.
Example of information synced between device and email:
- device events (useful for device diagnostic purposes)
- location (useful for cases of a lost device)
- notifications (useful for keeping a backup of data from apps you have enabled notifications on)
- startup/shutdown (useful for device diagnostic and usage purposes)
Disclaimer: App does not save or disclose any user information, nor does it share with any third parties. App does not engage in any spoof, spy, duplicate content or spam. App is a tool for use in home and work environments.
Device information is synced to your personal email account.
Device notifications and events are synced between our app and your email address, assuring that you will always have access, and a backup, of your important information.
Remote access to critical device information is vital. With home and work, passwords and communications, something like losing ones phone can amount to catastrophe.
Example of information synced between device and email:
- device events (useful for device diagnostic purposes)
- location (useful for cases of a lost device)
- notifications (useful for keeping a backup of data from apps you have enabled notifications on)
- startup/shutdown (useful for device diagnostic and usage purposes)
Disclaimer: App does not save or disclose any user information, nor does it share with any third parties. App does not engage in any spoof, spy, duplicate content or spam. App is a tool for use in home and work environments.
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