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Bono Gesta GVA

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About Bono Gesta GVA

The Shopping Basket Bonus is a program through which the Generalitat Valenciana grants a €90 prepaid card for the purchase of food.
If you requested the Shopping Basket Bonus through the Generalitat Valenciana website and your application was approved, you can manage your card through this application.
Through the app you can:
- Complete registration
- View your balance
- See your movements
- Activate your card
- Configure the PIN of your card
- Block your card
- Contact support
- View account conditions

The Bo Cistella de la Compra is a program for which the
Generalitat Valenciana grants a prepaid card of €90 for the purchase of food.
If you are going to apply for the Bo Cistella de la Compra through the website of the Generalitat Valenciana and the application is going to be approved, you can manage the card through this application.
Through the app you can:
- Complete the registration
- Check your balance
- Watch your movements
- Activate your card
- Configure the PIN of the card
- Block your card
- Contact with support
- See the conditions of the account

Bono Gesta GVA Screenshots