Cancer A-Z will keep you informed and in control of your cancer experience.
Inspired by the world-leading cancer experts at RGCC, Cancer A-Z is packed full of clear and concise information about cancer, from a source you can trust.
You’ll learn about cancer types, causes, symptoms and treatments. You’ll also learn about some of the new and exciting tests that can help you understand more about your cancer – and how to treat it effectively.
Understanding cancer is the best way to beat it, so stay in control with Cancer A-Z.
As you learn to live with cancer and begin to plan your journey to recovery, this app will help you make sense of the process. The app uses common cancer terminology used in the UK and USA. The app is continually updated to reflect the latest in cancer diagnosis, tests and treatments.
It’s your cancer, your treatment and your journey – but you’re not alone. Cancer A-Z will be with you through every step of your cancer experience.
What’s included?
• Detailed and comprehensive A-Z of all common cancer terms
• Learn about standard cancer tests, treatments and drugs used across the world
• Information on innovative and exciting genetic cancer tests
• Ongoing updates on the work of RGCC, including details on new genetic cancer tests
Who is it for?
Cancer A-Z is for anyone who wants to learn more about cancer. You may have received a diagnosis of cancer, have a friend or loved one who has the condition, or a family history of the diseases.
Whatever your question about cancer, you’ll find the answer in Cancer A-Z.
Trusted information
Cancer A-Z has been created by the experts at RGCC, the world’s leading provider of genetic cancer testing.
The information in the app is regularly reviewed and updated by clinicians to ensure that it reflects the cutting-edge of research, diagnosis and treatment.
Free to download
We believe that everyone should have access to the latest information about cancer, which is why we created Cancer A-Z. The app is free to download and always will be.
Inspired by the world-leading cancer experts at RGCC, Cancer A-Z is packed full of clear and concise information about cancer, from a source you can trust.
You’ll learn about cancer types, causes, symptoms and treatments. You’ll also learn about some of the new and exciting tests that can help you understand more about your cancer – and how to treat it effectively.
Understanding cancer is the best way to beat it, so stay in control with Cancer A-Z.
As you learn to live with cancer and begin to plan your journey to recovery, this app will help you make sense of the process. The app uses common cancer terminology used in the UK and USA. The app is continually updated to reflect the latest in cancer diagnosis, tests and treatments.
It’s your cancer, your treatment and your journey – but you’re not alone. Cancer A-Z will be with you through every step of your cancer experience.
What’s included?
• Detailed and comprehensive A-Z of all common cancer terms
• Learn about standard cancer tests, treatments and drugs used across the world
• Information on innovative and exciting genetic cancer tests
• Ongoing updates on the work of RGCC, including details on new genetic cancer tests
Who is it for?
Cancer A-Z is for anyone who wants to learn more about cancer. You may have received a diagnosis of cancer, have a friend or loved one who has the condition, or a family history of the diseases.
Whatever your question about cancer, you’ll find the answer in Cancer A-Z.
Trusted information
Cancer A-Z has been created by the experts at RGCC, the world’s leading provider of genetic cancer testing.
The information in the app is regularly reviewed and updated by clinicians to ensure that it reflects the cutting-edge of research, diagnosis and treatment.
Free to download
We believe that everyone should have access to the latest information about cancer, which is why we created Cancer A-Z. The app is free to download and always will be.
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