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RIF-FRANCE.COM is a trademark of the Association for the Defense of Civil Servants "ADEFUFP".

RIF FRANCE.COM, is an application which gives agents (civil servants and contract workers) in the public service the opportunity to express themselves in a simple and efficient manner.

Thanks to the RIF FRANCE.COM application, each agent has the possibility of claiming and promoting their opinions in complete safety and discretion.

RIF FRANCE.COM is developing a concept based on the anonymity and transparency of each step carried out on the application. The objective of our application is to support the agents who are at the bottom of the organizational chart, to carry the voice of the voiceless, to make visible the invisible, to restore the pride and dignity of those who are abused on a daily basis by their hierarchy.

We make sure to value the opinions of the hierarchical base so that all decisions are not made only by those at the top of the organization chart.

We are creating ways for the grassroots to have a say, for their opinions to be heard during the debates and for their voice to be taken into account.

Usefulness of the RIF-FRANCE.COM application

Mobilize agents around their unions.

The unions are the main intermediary actors between the hierarchy and the agents
Each public service employee must approach their union in order to benefit from the opening of a personal and anonymous account.

Thanks to this account, each agent can express themselves freely and anonymously.

The objective of this anonymity is to protect the identity of each agent in accordance with their duty of confidentiality. This means that the actions carried out by the agent have no impact on his professional career.

What purpose ?

Our aim is to improve the organization and management system of public services so as to:

- reduce inequalities in treatment,
- reporting harassment situations with the aim of taking care of them quickly and efficiently,
- improve the staff rating and assessment system,
- create petitions for demands to mobilize more people to participate.

* For unions

Each union has a personalized account, allowing it to:

- create an anonymous account for each agent of the public service to which he is attached,
- create petitions for demands to touch and involve a larger number of agents,
- manage and coordinate complaints (harassment and working conditions).

* For civil servants

We respect the duty of reserve of each agent, whether official or contractual. This is the reason why all actions on our app are anonymous. Each agent acts under an identifier which protects his identity.

Each agent has the possibility of taking actions allowing him to:

- sign petitions,
- note his superiors,
- denounce the different types of harassment,
- denounce the working conditions.

* For journalists

Each freelance or professional journalist has a personalized account, allowing them to:

- create editorial lines on subjects directly affecting one or more public services,
- publish journals of surveys and investigations on one or more public services;

* For the ADEFUFP Association

Establish an independent system of statistical analysis to enrich and nurture mixed democracy (representative and participatory) by involving citizens in the problems experienced by civil servants.

- Give the possibility to each agent to be an actor of the change of his concerns and his problems; while providing concrete means of action and communication.
- Make sure to aggregate all the demands from all union sides with a view to creating a balance of power during negotiations with the hierarchy.

RIF - FRANCE Screenshots