Digital signature provides you easy way to create your scan like signature. Digital Signature allows signs you in multiple steps to provide more accuracy.
Feature of Digital Signature –
1. Allow signature in both mode portrait and landscape for better result
2. Sign online document
3. e Signature , online signature
4. Save your signature with name
5. See all previous signature in list with date and name
6. Share your signature via email, Facebook, Whatsapp etc
7. Setting screen provide you to change background (white or transparent colour), change signature colour as your requirement.
8. Practice online signature
9. Signature on transparent background
Extra features -
Signature for government jobs, Signature for online application and form, Quality signature. Made in india, Atmanirbar Initiative
Feature of Digital Signature –
1. Allow signature in both mode portrait and landscape for better result
2. Sign online document
3. e Signature , online signature
4. Save your signature with name
5. See all previous signature in list with date and name
6. Share your signature via email, Facebook, Whatsapp etc
7. Setting screen provide you to change background (white or transparent colour), change signature colour as your requirement.
8. Practice online signature
9. Signature on transparent background
Extra features -
Signature for government jobs, Signature for online application and form, Quality signature. Made in india, Atmanirbar Initiative
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