At the moment the game uses next agreements:
- to get a barrel a player need to get 880 points
- clear points if a player has 3 unsuccessful tries to play barrel
- a player gets bolt if he does not get points in round
- if a player has 3 bolts then it gets 120 points fine
- in case of giving up the player has a fine same as a statement and each of rest two players gets half of that amount
The game supports the following settings:
- to win the game need to gain greater than 1000 points
- clear points if a player gets 555 or -555 points
- a barrel game on own turn without bidding from other players (see below)
- new card distribution if talon or hand has fewer points than some threshold
- ace marriage
- golden round
- together barrel playing cases
What is not supported yet:
- hidden game
- "4 nines" marriage
Barrel game on "own turn”:
A player can play barrel round if he has 880 points and "own turn".
The turn is "own" if a player has a right of the first call on bidding.
In that case, the player wins the bidding and receives the talon (despite the strength of the cards of other players).
In case of an unsuccessful game, he gets an unsuccessful try and the player gets 120 points fine.
After 3 unsuccessful tries, the points are cleared.
When a player in a barrel and does not have "own turn" the game passes as usual, but he does not get any points (unsuccessful try also is not accounted).
Also, it is not forbidden if several players simultaneously have 880 points and have the opportunity to play a barrel game.
Thus, in that situation, a barrel player is determined according to turn.
- to get a barrel a player need to get 880 points
- clear points if a player has 3 unsuccessful tries to play barrel
- a player gets bolt if he does not get points in round
- if a player has 3 bolts then it gets 120 points fine
- in case of giving up the player has a fine same as a statement and each of rest two players gets half of that amount
The game supports the following settings:
- to win the game need to gain greater than 1000 points
- clear points if a player gets 555 or -555 points
- a barrel game on own turn without bidding from other players (see below)
- new card distribution if talon or hand has fewer points than some threshold
- ace marriage
- golden round
- together barrel playing cases
What is not supported yet:
- hidden game
- "4 nines" marriage
Barrel game on "own turn”:
A player can play barrel round if he has 880 points and "own turn".
The turn is "own" if a player has a right of the first call on bidding.
In that case, the player wins the bidding and receives the talon (despite the strength of the cards of other players).
In case of an unsuccessful game, he gets an unsuccessful try and the player gets 120 points fine.
After 3 unsuccessful tries, the points are cleared.
When a player in a barrel and does not have "own turn" the game passes as usual, but he does not get any points (unsuccessful try also is not accounted).
Also, it is not forbidden if several players simultaneously have 880 points and have the opportunity to play a barrel game.
Thus, in that situation, a barrel player is determined according to turn.
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