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Florist 💐

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About Florist 💐

Florist uses smartphone camera to identify popular flowers species.

The application uses latest AI and machine learning achievements to identify flowers species. Identified flowers are highlighted on the screen and flower name is displayed. After touching on the identified flower a page is opened with detailed information about the species, classification, characteristics, geographical distribution, care instructions and examples of usage.

It is also a great way to finally learn flowers names! 😍 🌷 🌼 🌻 🌺

Currently, it can identify following 20 flower species:

🌸 Alstroemeria
🌸 Anthurium
🌸 Aster
🌸 Calla Lily
🌸 Crocus
🌸 Daisy
🌸 Hibiscus
🌸 Hyacinth
🌸 Iris
🌸 Japanese Anemone
🌸 Jonquil
🌸 Lilium Candidum
🌸 Magnolia
🌸 Marigold
🌸 Pansy
🌸 Phalaenopsis Orchid
🌸 Protea
🌸 Rose
🌸 Strelitzia
🌸 Tulip

Stay with us! The model is continuously being improved to recognize more species. We are also planning to introduce several interesting features soon - watch out for next application updates! 👨‍🏭

⚠ Notice about privacy ⚠

The entire analysis takes place on the device - images from your camera are not transferred to any external systems. You can be sure your privacy is not at risk while using this application.

Florist 💐 Screenshots