Taking public transit? Download this free, convenient app to get real-time or scheduled next bus arrival times through your Android device.
To check out which transit agency supports RouteShout3, please download this app and take a look.
The RouteShout3 app is the next improvement of RouteShout2. It helps you be on time and prepare for changes - anytime, anywhere. With RouteShout, you can know of bus delays and remove the uncertainty from taking public transit.
Get to work, to your class, or that important appointment. It's the handy, free app for locals, students, tourists and other public transit riders. Just select your agency and route, and off you go.
With RouteShout, you can:
• Know when your bus is on its way.
• Cut down your wait time.
• Stay alerted of bus schedule or route changes, service disruptions or traffic delays.
• Plan your journey and connections.
• View bus routes and stops.
• Choose and save your favorite stops.
Try it today. If you like it, don’t forget to write a review- and tell your friends.
Note: You may have limited access if data is not supplied to RouteShout from your local transit system. Data is provided by your local transit system. Application is subject to the quality of data provided to the Application. The Application is provided by RouteMatch Software at TripSpark Technologies.
To check out which transit agency supports RouteShout3, please download this app and take a look.
The RouteShout3 app is the next improvement of RouteShout2. It helps you be on time and prepare for changes - anytime, anywhere. With RouteShout, you can know of bus delays and remove the uncertainty from taking public transit.
Get to work, to your class, or that important appointment. It's the handy, free app for locals, students, tourists and other public transit riders. Just select your agency and route, and off you go.
With RouteShout, you can:
• Know when your bus is on its way.
• Cut down your wait time.
• Stay alerted of bus schedule or route changes, service disruptions or traffic delays.
• Plan your journey and connections.
• View bus routes and stops.
• Choose and save your favorite stops.
Try it today. If you like it, don’t forget to write a review- and tell your friends.
Note: You may have limited access if data is not supplied to RouteShout from your local transit system. Data is provided by your local transit system. Application is subject to the quality of data provided to the Application. The Application is provided by RouteMatch Software at TripSpark Technologies.
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