Do you want to conveniently have all the current weather in Catalonia in a single application?
Catalunya Meteo is a weather application that offers the following services:
- Weather forecast for each Catalan population for the next 6 days, every 6 hours, based on official AEMET data.
- Weather forecast for each Catalan population for the next 2 days, hour by hour, based on official AEMET data.
- Current samples, of temperature, humidity, wind, with graphics (among others), based on the Meteoclimatic network.
- Forecast in the Catalan Pyrenees, based on Meteocat information.
- Forecast on the ski slopes of Catalonia, based on Meteocat information.
- Official forecast maps, both general, such as temperature, swell, wind, lightning, precipitation, state of the sea, risk of fire...
- Visualization of more than 300 Catalan Webcams in real time.
- Real-time rain weather radar on the move.
- Twitter to follow the tweets of the most important weather agencies in Catalonia in real time.
- Widget with all weather information.
CatalunyaMeteo does not generate the content. This is compiled using open APIs external to CatalunyaMeteo, from recognized media such as AEMET, Meteoclimatic and Meteocat.
For any questions or suggestions you can go to the social networks where we are (Facebook + Twitter: @CatalunyaMeteo).
Catalunya Meteo is a weather application that offers the following services:
- Weather forecast for each Catalan population for the next 6 days, every 6 hours, based on official AEMET data.
- Weather forecast for each Catalan population for the next 2 days, hour by hour, based on official AEMET data.
- Current samples, of temperature, humidity, wind, with graphics (among others), based on the Meteoclimatic network.
- Forecast in the Catalan Pyrenees, based on Meteocat information.
- Forecast on the ski slopes of Catalonia, based on Meteocat information.
- Official forecast maps, both general, such as temperature, swell, wind, lightning, precipitation, state of the sea, risk of fire...
- Visualization of more than 300 Catalan Webcams in real time.
- Real-time rain weather radar on the move.
- Twitter to follow the tweets of the most important weather agencies in Catalonia in real time.
- Widget with all weather information.
CatalunyaMeteo does not generate the content. This is compiled using open APIs external to CatalunyaMeteo, from recognized media such as AEMET, Meteoclimatic and Meteocat.
For any questions or suggestions you can go to the social networks where we are (Facebook + Twitter: @CatalunyaMeteo).
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