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Local Chow

The Food App LLC
4.4 out of 5
500+ downloads

About Local Chow

All of us know them. Those neighbors. Yeah, you know the ones . . . The ones who make the most incredible food. Cheesecake from Aubrie down the street? Give me more. What’s that I smell? It’s Matt out on the BBQ again. What I wouldn’t give to get some of that delicious brisket. And I could certainly use some of those tomatoes that Joe has been growing in his garden to make some salsa tonight . . .

With Local Chow it is easier than ever to get delicious homemade and home grown food from people in your community and neighborhood. In fact, you could even be the one who provides it! Whether you bake the most delicious bread, cook incredible cakes, or have a wonderful garden!

No matter who you are, or where you grow up - most of us can agree that delicious, homemade food beats restaurant food or frozen meals ten times out of ten. And if you haven’t had home grown raspberries or apples before, you better download Local Chow now and see what farmers and neighbors in your area are selling, because homegrown, fresh picked fruits and veggies are heads and shoulders above grocery store produce. Homemade and homegrown is so natural . . . whatever happened to it? We gave up quality for convenience.

As popular food chains grew, and life became more and more busy, it became convenient to simply pick up some frozen pizzas, or grab food from the nearest fast casual. Local Chow brings the convenience of eating out to the quality of homemade.

When you think about it, selling your own food should really be easy and legal -- without having to get some license or pay hundreds of dollars in permits. We are neighbors. You make excellent bread. I don’t want to cook but I like your bread. I buy your bread. I feel good about lining the pockets of people I know, and you make dough with your . . . dough.

In the United States, each state has its own local food laws that govern the sale of home made food items. These laws can be difficult to find, and harder to understand. Local Chow makes it easy for you to navigate your local food laws to legally and safely buy and sell food with people in your community.

So what are you waiting for? We're impressed you are still reading this! Download Local Chow now and see what's cookin' near you!

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