Protestant Christian Song lyrics የፕሮቴስታንት ክርስቲያን መዝሙሮች
Do you want to get a protestant christian song lyrics of a song you love? by using Mezmur debter (የመዝሙር ደብተር) application, you can get the lyrics offline. You can find the following in the application:-
- More than 2000 Amharic song lyrics
- More than 2000 English Song lyrics
- More than 190 Amharic singers
- Thousands of english song lyrics
- Offline songs
- Easy search to find singers, album and songs.
- And you can share the lyrics to friends in social media.
So we encourage you to use the app and to share with your friends. Thanks.
Do you want to get a protestant christian song lyrics of a song you love? by using Mezmur debter (የመዝሙር ደብተር) application, you can get the lyrics offline. You can find the following in the application:-
- More than 2000 Amharic song lyrics
- More than 2000 English Song lyrics
- More than 190 Amharic singers
- Thousands of english song lyrics
- Offline songs
- Easy search to find singers, album and songs.
- And you can share the lyrics to friends in social media.
So we encourage you to use the app and to share with your friends. Thanks.
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