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Sagicor Engage

Sagicor Group Jamaica
1,000+ downloads

About Sagicor Engage

Sagicor Engage is a free rewards program offered to all of our valued members. Our goal? To help you navigate life's greatest challenges and reward you as you go.

Using the tools of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy to help you succeed, game theory to help you stay motivated, and Positive Psychology to meaningfully impact your perspective on life—we created a rewards program designed to help you improve your financial, physical, and emotional well-being.

Get started by building a character to help you visualize yourself and your journey.

Check out our ever-growing body of classes to start increasing your knowledge across topics including:

• Budgeting
• Saving
• Debt management
• Increasing income
• Family finance

#Physical Health
• Tailored exercise
• Weight management
• Mindful eating
• Fitness and aging
• Gut health
• Sleep techniques
• Managing diseases and risk factors

#Mental Health
• Stress reduction
• Achieving work-life balance
• Practicing self care
• Improving happiness and life satisfaction
• Fostering connectedness
• Communication techniques

As you learn, take fun quizzes and complete simple assignments to reinforce your newfound knowledge.

Through your participation, you'll earn points that can be used to redeem Visa® Prepaid Cards!

Want access? Email us at

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