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Samsung Galaxy SmartTag

4.5 out of 5
10,000+ downloads

About Samsung Galaxy SmartTag

Connect and Find your smart tag devices via our app.our app is compatible with smarttag.

The Galaxy SmartTag app gives you everything you need to know about the wonderful Samsung Galaxy SmartTag Tag

After downloading the Galaxy SmartTag app, you will have a complete knowledge of everything regarding the Galaxy SmartTag, you will go to the Samsung Galaxy Smarttag stores to take one
SAMSUNG Galaxy SmartTag App Content

Galaxy SmartTag / SmartTag + configuration
Galaxy SmartTag / SmartTag + General Settings
Setting up smart tags
Get SmartTag tips
Use of smart beacon
Before using SmartTag
Galaxy SmartTag / SmartTag + battery replacement
Layout of Galaxy SmartTag / SmartTag+ devices
About Galaxy SmartTag / SmartTag+

Galaxy SmartTag is not an official application. it’s just an educational application that will help users understand the step-by-step Galaxy SmartTag procedure. and Information comes from various reliable sources

Samsung Galaxy SmartTag Screenshots