Gaming controller Click With V icon

Gaming controller Click With V

Saint Dev
2.2 out of 5
10,000+ downloads

About Gaming controller Click With V


Gaming controller or Gaming Keymapper or Click with Volume Buttons app is only made of the mobile gaming masters to play accurate and fast action games on mobile phone by shifting the controllers to the Volume Up & Down buttons because it makes players easy and accurate to play better game.

optimized for Software education, helps children understand and organize the basic principles of coding easily and interestingly. It is a perfect choice for children dreaming of becoming innovators.

Play Android Games with Volume Up & Down button - Gaming Controller app helps you to switch game controls to the Volume Up Button and Volume Down Button which makes User easy to play better and fast game.


☘ User-friendly controllers (stick and pad types)
☘ Gyro sensor (which enables tilt-function for robot control)
☘ Color change function (6 colors provided)
☘ Speed control with toggle switch (3 levels: slow-medium-fast)

Gaming controller Click With V Screenshots