Supplications and Ziyarat application is an application that aims to provide a variety of supplications and prayers in one place for users.
The application offers a wide range of supplications for various occasions and situations, such as morning and evening supplications, supplications for travel, healing, sustenance, and other times and circumstances.
The application has a simple and easy-to-use interface, allowing users to easily browse prayers and search for the prayer they need. In addition, users can save their favorite supplications to a dedicated list for later reference.
The application usually also includes the famous monologues, which are a type of special prayer that is reverent and unique in communicating with God. Munajat is an opportunity for believers to express their feelings and requests more deeply.
In short, Supplications and Duas seeks to provide a convenient way for users to connect spiritually and communicate with God through a variety of supplications and duas familiar in Islam.
Supplications available in the application:
Morning prayer for the Commander of the Faithful, Imam Ali, peace be upon him
Kumayl's prayer
Covenant prayer
Doaa consults
The prayer of the paralyzed
The prayer of Abu Hamza al-Thumali
Doaa Al-Jawshan Al-Kabir
The supplication of begging
A prayer of honorable morals
Sunday prayer
Monday prayer
Prayer on Tuesday
Wednesday prayer
Thursday prayer
Friday prayer
Saturday prayer
Scar prayer
Baha's Prayer
Dozens of prayers
Doaa Al-Mujeer
The prayer of relief
Opening prayer
Attribute prayer
A prayer for wellness
Arafa prayer
Ashura prayer
Adela prayer
Doaa Al-Saifi Al-Saghir known as (Dua Dictionary)
Prayer for the time of occultation
Security prayer
Doaa Umm Dawood
The monologue of the penitent
Soliloquy of the Frightened
soliloquy of the willing
Soliloquy of the obedient
Monologues of lovers
Soliloquy of the poor
The soliloquy of the two remembrance
Monologues of ascetics
Monologues of the complainants
Ragin' monologue
Monologues of the Thankful
The monologue of those who want
Soliloquy of supplicants
The monologue of the knowers
The sit-down monologue
Systematic monologues to the Commander of the Faithful, peace be upon him
The prayer of the people of the frontiers
The supplication of the seal of the Qur’an by Imam Zain al-Abidin, peace be upon him
Prayer to visit the people of graves
The application offers a wide range of supplications for various occasions and situations, such as morning and evening supplications, supplications for travel, healing, sustenance, and other times and circumstances.
The application has a simple and easy-to-use interface, allowing users to easily browse prayers and search for the prayer they need. In addition, users can save their favorite supplications to a dedicated list for later reference.
The application usually also includes the famous monologues, which are a type of special prayer that is reverent and unique in communicating with God. Munajat is an opportunity for believers to express their feelings and requests more deeply.
In short, Supplications and Duas seeks to provide a convenient way for users to connect spiritually and communicate with God through a variety of supplications and duas familiar in Islam.
Supplications available in the application:
Morning prayer for the Commander of the Faithful, Imam Ali, peace be upon him
Kumayl's prayer
Covenant prayer
Doaa consults
The prayer of the paralyzed
The prayer of Abu Hamza al-Thumali
Doaa Al-Jawshan Al-Kabir
The supplication of begging
A prayer of honorable morals
Sunday prayer
Monday prayer
Prayer on Tuesday
Wednesday prayer
Thursday prayer
Friday prayer
Saturday prayer
Scar prayer
Baha's Prayer
Dozens of prayers
Doaa Al-Mujeer
The prayer of relief
Opening prayer
Attribute prayer
A prayer for wellness
Arafa prayer
Ashura prayer
Adela prayer
Doaa Al-Saifi Al-Saghir known as (Dua Dictionary)
Prayer for the time of occultation
Security prayer
Doaa Umm Dawood
The monologue of the penitent
Soliloquy of the Frightened
soliloquy of the willing
Soliloquy of the obedient
Monologues of lovers
Soliloquy of the poor
The soliloquy of the two remembrance
Monologues of ascetics
Monologues of the complainants
Ragin' monologue
Monologues of the Thankful
The monologue of those who want
Soliloquy of supplicants
The monologue of the knowers
The sit-down monologue
Systematic monologues to the Commander of the Faithful, peace be upon him
The prayer of the people of the frontiers
The supplication of the seal of the Qur’an by Imam Zain al-Abidin, peace be upon him
Prayer to visit the people of graves
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